Dental veneers are used in cosmetic dentistry for subtle changes, as well as dramatic transformations. Made from either porcelain or resin composite materials, dental veneers cover the front of the tooth to provide excellent esthetic results.
Porcelain Veneers vs. Resin Veneers
A porcelain veneer is a thin, translucent shell of tooth-like material. Porcelain veneers are highly stain resistant and have the same light reflecting properties of natural teeth. Resin veneers are made using a biocompatible resin material that is applied directly to the tooth and sculpted into place. These dental veneers require little to no preparation to the tooth and are not permanent. Your dentist will help you decide which type of dental veneer is right for you.
Dental Veneers may be used to:
- Close spaces between teeth
- Improve the appearance of crooked teeth
- Repair chipped or broken teeth
- Cover stained or discolored teeth
Process For Porcelain Veneers
A highly trained cosmetic dentist, Dr. Kyle Clark of Mont Blanc Center for Dentistry uses advanced technology to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.
- Comprehensive Evaluation: A comprehensive evaluation is the first step in the process of creating porcelain veneers. This will include a physical examination of the teeth, gums, jaw joints, and other support structures of the mouth.Dr. Clark is carefully looking for signs of stress, decay or instability, which are often the underlying cause for cosmetic dental concerns. Fixing the root of the problem, rather than simply covering the teeth with dental veneers will ensure that the restoration is long lasting and comfortable.
- Treatment Planning: With a clear picture of you condition, Dr. Clark will prepare a personalized treatment plan. You can think of the treatment plan as being similar to a set of blue prints for an architect.
- Final Restoration: Because so much planning goes into the treatment process, the final step is quite simple and predictable. Dr. Clark will try the dental veneers on for fit and color. Any minor adjustments are made and then the veneers are permanently cemented to the teeth.
- After Care: Porcelain veneers do require some special care. Dr. Clark will review instructions with you and show you how to floss and brush the dental veneers. Routine dental cleanings and examinations are important to ensure long term health and proper fit. Porcelain veneers are highly stain resistant and will look bright for years to come.