Teeth whitening is one of the most frequently requested procedures in cosmetic dentistry because it is quick, effective and relatively inexpensive.
Dr. Kyle Clark of Mont Blanc Center for Dentistry in Highland Utah offers convenient options for restoring your natural bright smile with teeth whitening. Choose from in-office treatment, at home treatment, or a combination of the two. We only use carefully selected professional tooth whitening brands that yield optimal results with minimal sensitivity to teeth and gums.
In Office Teeth Whitening
For patients who want to “boost” their teeth whitening and see immediate results, in office teeth whitening is a great option. These results are usually delivered in about an hour and will give you a foundation for your at home efforts.
In office teeth whitening is great for special occasions such as weddings, graduations and job interviews.
At Home Teeth Whitening
At home teeth whitening is very convenient for patients. This type of treatment includes a custom fit professional whitening tray. This customized appliance assures that the whitening gel will be administered evenly and properly without causing damage to the gums or tooth enamel.
At home teeth whitening treatment takes place over a number of weeks where the trays are worn either during the day or overnight, depending on the patient, for a set amount of time.
Is Teeth Whitening Right For You?
Over time, our teeth darken naturally. Changes in the color of your teeth can be accelerated by exposure to the foods and beverages we consume such as coffee, tea, and sodas. Other factors for tooth discoloration may include childhood medications or illnesses, tobacco use or improper oral hygiene.
Practically anyone can benefit from professional teeth whitening treatment. Having a whiter, brighter smile can boost your confidence, make you more attractive, and give you a younger appearance. Dr. Clark commonly uses teeth whitening in combination with other cosmetic and restorative dentistry procedures to complete a transformation.
Schedule Your Consultation
CONTACT our dental office today to learn more about our teeth whitening services and to schedule your consultation with Dr. Clark.